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  1. S

    Languages, anyone?

    It does take a while, of course, but if you really want to remember a vocabulary it's the way to go (Along with reading and writing as much as you can). Here's a link to some reviews of SR software if you're thinking of giving it a go: Spaced repetition learning systems (SRS).
  2. S

    "Student website bans anti-Semitic Group"

    Come on man why you gotta put my dream down like that? I never said a piece of land that people called Palestine didn't exist.
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    "Student website bans anti-Semitic Group"

    She's read widely and extensively. It's all for you cause you're the one Oh you're my daydream nightmare I'm holding out for holding on So love me if you dare Into your arms I always run Inside my daydream nightmare When I awake you're always gone I reach and you're not here.. where you belong
  4. S

    "Student website bans anti-Semitic Group"

    So what you're asking is, is: what right did a state that didn't exist have to occupy another state that didn't exist and why wasn't mainly secular immigration stopped by religious decrees.
  5. S

    Languages, anyone?

    Learned the basics of Hebrew and got my vocabulary up to around 300-400 words or so with an attempt at a Spaced repetition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia application.. I Might keep it going and learn proper grammar.
  6. S

    "Student website bans anti-Semitic Group"

    Read a history book and realize why you just made an awful post.
  7. S

    Mahmoud Ahmedinejad of Iran has declared Santa Claus a “Public Enemy” of Iran.

    Re: Mahmoud Ahmedinejad of Iran has declared Santa Claus a “Public Enemy” of Iran Ok thanks just checking. This is really scary.
  8. S

    Mahmoud Ahmedinejad of Iran has declared Santa Claus a “Public Enemy” of Iran.

    Re: Mahmoud Ahmedinejad of Iran has declared Santa Claus a “Public Enemy” of Iran Is this a serious article?
  9. S

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Gays deserve the title. Christians didn't invent the idea of marriage and they shouldn't own it in Australia. Why do you believe that, back it up, cite sources, studies showing that parents of the same sex are unfit etc.
  10. S

    Student Fascism

    Which ones?
  11. S

    Student Fascism

    Fixed. A lot of their views and posts were racist and backward, and have no place on a student forum. And religion used to justify their actions? Lolwat.
  12. S

    Student Fascism

    This didn't come about from any anti-Zionist discussion, it came about from people posting pointlessly bigoted, a lot of the time racist, comments. On a student forum.
  13. S

    Student Fascism

    Good people..?
  14. S

    Student Fascism

    Terrible. Just terrible.
  15. S

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Haha. At least you have the internet.
  16. S

    Who will you vote for?

    Lucky lucky. So yeah, greens are against it. Net filter report signals trouble ahead | Scott Ludlam Scott talks to ABC PM about net filtering | Scott Ludlam Question time fail: net filter shapeshifts again | Scott Ludlam
  17. S

    Parramatta council fights against political correctness

    Re: Parramatta council fights against jews with "merry christmas" signs.
  18. S

    Abbott thinks reading the Bible should be compulsory in schools

    why should anyone be taught about religion.