I was just wondering what type of ATAR I should be expecting.
OK here are my averages and ranks in all my classes....
> Advanced English: 85% 4/18
> Extension 1 English: 66% 4/7
> Modern Greek Continuers: 91% 3/7
> Modern Greek Extension: 89% 2/3
> Society and Culture: 76% 2/7
Thanks, i at first it was very hard to find much valid information. Turned out that lots of uni kids wanted to write papers on acid victims and put them online. But now im contacting a bunch of foundations who are helping burning victims so my PIP is sort of, very slowly/painfully, moving along...
Society is sort of driving me crazy at the moment. Too much work from other subjects to really pay attention to it, and i know that is REALLY bad. My PIP is taking a while. How is yours going? What are you doin yours on? Mine is about the implications that womens lives suffer after they have...
i feeling the exact same way. My work involves painstaking detail and i have around 17 canvases to do all varying in sizes and thinknesses. I keep wanting to sit down and just work on it, but what is puttine me off is the fact that i dont think all my canvases connect. It is almost as if i have...
I've been given my fourth task to do and i am have no idea what to do. We are supposed to write a 5 minute speech about:
and we are supposed to mention the unequal access to the socially valued...
Yeah now i get it, thank you. Its true some teachers are tougher at marking than others, i've noticed this when i have given the same piece of writing to 2 different teachers.
One more thing, with the results that i got for my trials, what do you think my UAI will be? Im aiming for 90+
Ok i see. Im asking because in my entire year there are barely 30 kids, so the classes for each subject are pretty small. So your rank isnt really that amazing when there are only 9 kids in one class.
For me, my rank and assessment marks are (from my H/Y)...
- English Adv
RANK: 4/18 ...
I was wondering if the mark you get in an assessment or your rank matters more? Because my ranking in class is rather good, but my marks are not the best in a couple of my subjects.
Ok, because im being told by my teacher that i need to rewrite my intro at the start of chapter one. She said that I need to pretend that the person reading my PIP hasnt read my intorduction. So if i rewrite my intro in the 1st chap. then they will understand what they are reading.
I was wondering if at the beginning of your chapter one you are supposed to restate your introduction?
I dont mean rewrite the whole thing, but you mention again what your topic if about and what your chapters will be able. That type of thing.
Re: Future Plans: What UAI/course/job are you aiming for?
Hmm im aiming for something in the 90s.
I want to get either a Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Journalism)
or Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Media Arts and Production) at UTS and they both require a fairly high UAI mark...