No, I doubt they would. 200 hundred years is a considerable amount of time, and to say that in that time, they wouldn't have developed with the rest of the world at all, is ridiculous. Basically, you're only saying that Britain, or some other country, had to invade them in order for them to...
You would think, that after a period of time, a communication link would be established between the tribes. Just like elsewhere around the world, or are we choosing to ignore that now? Human development and communication? The aboriginals didn't contact the New Guineans because, back then, small...
Importation? I'm sure that they could have worked that out for themselves.
You didn't mention that intelligence is racial, you implied it. And the book is considered controversial, riddled with errors and racism, so is therefore not exactly a reliable source.
Every human brain started developing from a diet of berries and goanna, or other natural food sources from the land. Like I said before, over time they would have observed what people from other countries were doing, how they were dieting, what inventions they were using to make things easier -...
Well, yeah, I reckon they'd have to. Or did you just think they were going to sit there inside of Australia and never venture out to learn and discover?
You also missed the part about the book not being very accurate 'due to speculative sampling, year of testing, and varying type of cognitive...
And, had they never been interfered with, the aborigines would probably be a lot better off then they are now. A lot.
I get where you're coming from. But I think that aborigines would have eventually made the same advancements in technology that we did. Just while perhaps preserving the...
I know what the general impression of the aborigines is. But why should they by mistreated because of that? Had British settlers never arrived in Australia in the first place, and abused them, then they probably wouldn't be in the situation most of them are in today.
How does them having an opinion which differs from yours make them stupid? I couldn't find anything wrong with their statements. They're upset, they're angry - but they're entitled to an opinion.
Calling the grandparents 'spastic' is ridiculous. Racism, not so much. Come on, it's not like we don't have a long history of racism in Australia. I'm not saying it was racism for sure, but to say the idea of it coming down to that is ridiculous, is ridiculous in itself.
I agree with reserving...
No, but we do know that a little girl is dead. I don't see how 'what she died of' is relevant. She was sick and the hospital turned her away. Multiple times. And let's face it, even today, in this country aborigines are still the minority. So the idea that she was turned away because she was...
Women who become pregnant and decide that they don't want to have a baby, hence deciding to have an abortion, isn't what I would call using a contraceptive. What I mean is, that if lots of couples stop using condoms or other methods of contraception, because abortion is always there 'if anything...