thank you soooooo much :) that helped heaps!!!!!
ummm yea about the medentry course i'm in year 13 in NZ soo i dont really have to worry about.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
i need help with questions 92, 95, 102, 103, 105 from the UMAT practice test(the red one). with regards to 92 why is not E and why is 95 not B.
If you could help me that would greatly be appreciated
P.S. i'd like to thank prime-factor for making this thread possible :)
yea....i dont seem to get your messages until i send mine......well im from nz but i think u can help me. how do u find the z value on a graphical calculator, e.g the z value for a 90% confidence interval
good for you. yea i have no clue, im in my last year at high school so i dont really have anyone to help me, then i found this site but i am actually too stupid to know how to use this. u seem to be good at maths, could u maybe help me with a stats question?
lol. Na i can imagine u being too brainy to think at a simplistic level like me :)
is this your first year doing umat??? It's my first year and im basically crapping my pants, do have any advice????
ok..... there seems to be a time lapse with our conversation anyway answer to 47 is c because of the pattern of rotation the answer could either be a or c but the grey shading is disappearing by one as it moves up. hope that made sense
I can help if this is the practise questions volume 1 2nd edition. for 43 can you see that the grey circle is moving closer to the black cirlce thing, hence the sequence starts at b then d, a, c, e. ummm hope i answered the right question.
ummm yea i know this is not the place to post a question but im too retarded to...well..use this site
ummmm... i was woundering if anyone could help me with this umat question from section 3, the sequence is AB-DG-KP-VC-?
you have to select the "picture" that would most logically be fith...