enantiostasis question! I WAS LIKE WTFF!!!!!!
biggest bullshit in my life ^^
i wrote about that, plus co dominance, sex linkage, and environmental factors used the example of siamese cats turning black.
i wrote about one more thing.. forget== totally over bio
overall probably a 5-6
trials were a shitload worse for me! shaking to the days :(
but for some reason i dont get that for hsc. just cruising through it one by one
growing up in an asian family, being smacked, was nothing.
but think about what gets a message through better
"go to your room" or " ill fucking kill you and make another baby to replace you"
dont want my kid to end up like this motherfucker
YouTube - mom smacker OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO
[10:17:40 PM] ANON: if all migrants started FML-ing like him, no one will have a job and everyone would suicide.
Discuss this statement with reference to at least two poems. :hammer:
jeez, major work reflection statement was so fucked up!!!!!!!!!!
bound my work a day before it was due
and then during the night i read it and found so many mistakes
then i had to bind it again in the morning ><!!!!!!!!!
im just so happy its finally over
hsc here we come:mad1:
god, what is with all these people thinking they know about pal college
if you dont go there dont comment about teaching methods and what you think you know about the school. no one cares about second hand information that you hear from ur peers or teachers
go to the school, and talk to the...
omg justice game lecture was so boring
slides everywhere
unhelpful resource material ughhh . feel sorry for OLMC parramatta
( anyone notice he kept saying malcolm x? instead of michael? )
anyone going bio??