Is it worth buying?
Some people say it is half quake/half RTCW
And others say it's exactly like RTCW?
I'm a fan of return to castle wolfenstein.
Still play it.
I went to the concert at Luna Park Big top.
They were truly the best.
Except some fucking lads decided to hardcore dance right next to us, but as they ran into me I punched them in the back, and turned around ready to punch me, but realised i'm a chick and they stopped.
And apparently...
oooo new album!
Damn it!
They need to hurry up and come here next year!
I went to Alice cooper Monday night.
It was amazing.
WHat concerts you going to?
I wanna go to slayer and Megadeth.
Megadeth are one of my fav bands.
I did my entertainment trials yesterday.
It was pretty hard too.
But we havn't finished all the modules yet.
One of the long responses, we had to draw a detailed diagram of 3 concert stages, and show the lighting, audio and staging.
It was pretty shit, I prob did bad.