I did Signs by Patrick Hughes (can find it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy0HNWto0UY). It's a really nice short film. :> Oh and "The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock" by T.S.Eliot is also good.
You'll lose one mark and if you don't make any more silly mistakes in that question then you'll only have lost one mark. But if part (ii) of that question or whatever requires you to use the answer that you found in part (i) (which you got incorrect due to that silly), part (ii) will be marked...
I'm thinking (and hoping really hard) that I got 100/120, although there were probably a few silly mistakes that I didn't see. But whatever, I just want to get a mid-high or something E4.
It's a bad idea. Especially if you are going to do it the night before an exam, just go to sleep. Study before the test (like several days before). All nighters are pretty good in terms of getting work done but I do all nighters on weekends. Although it depends on how much sleep is good enough...
I look forward to: no more History, Geography, and PE (even though it is fun at times).
I can't wait, but I really can't wait until the SC is over and the unofficial holidays start :P
I look forward to Society & Culture, and Music 1 :D Because they're basically different from the norm and...
No more History ever
No more Geography ever
No more caring about either of them
No more pointless SC practice papers
No more studying (until next year)
No more revising (until next year)
Peer Support CAMP (Yay!)
Hanging out with friends
Movie Marathons
No more History ever
No more Geography ever
No more caring about either of them
No more pointless SC practice papers
No more studying (until next year)
No more revising (until next year)
Peer Support CAMP (Yay!)
Hanging out with friends
Movie Marathons...
Go over techniques, READ the question and think about it (seriously helps when you know exactly what they are asking for).
In the reading time, read the extended response questions first then go through the short-answer questions. Just read them, and think of something for your extended...