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  1. Q

    what does cos(1.2) equal

    No, degrees = radians * 180 / pi
  2. Q

    What do you do with your Reading Time?

    For Chem and Phys I do every single multiple choice that doesn't require a calculation in my head. For English, SOR and Economics I plan my essays. For Maths I go to the final Q's and plan to do the one's I think am good at, and to stick away from Q's I will waste time on.
  3. Q

    CSSA chemistry

    I suggest you rephrase yourself so you aren't as objective when discussing difficulty, a completely subjective concept.
  4. Q

    CSSA Physics

    Projectile motion is assumed to have a constant g as defined by its parabolic trajectory of constant downward acceleration and constant horizontal velocity. The formula you used is an approximation of work done, an approximation that is only valid close to the surface to Earth. In questions...
  5. Q

    CSSA Physics

    That is wrong because that formula assumes g is a constant value. However as an object moves further away from Earth the value of g changes. Many textbooks are horrible at explaining this concept.
  6. Q

    CSSA Physics

    The work done is equal to the change in gravitational potential energy that the satellite faced, i.e.: Change in Gravitational Potential Energy = G*mass of satellite*mass of Earth((1 / radius of earth) - (1 / (radius of earth + distance of satellite from radius)))
  7. Q

    Economics CSSA

    Tip of the day: whenever possible, do not write a case study essay on an economy that has experienced globalisation unless you are spot on in your analysis - it's usually very hard to get band 6's in these type of essays as in other essays there's lots of facts that can be incorporated.
  8. Q

    CSSA Physics

    My friend used torque and got 0.2, not 2 as I did. So I think there's a very high possibility that using torque will resolve in you getting the wrong answer (assuming he did the calculations correctly using his method).
  9. Q

    Best 'Drugs' to take before exams.

    The best drug to take depends on your exam technique. People who struggle to finish on time or finish just on time should contemplate taking stimulants like caffeine. However, people who finish too fast should contemplate taking some depressants (not too much!) so they aren't as impulsive (these...
  10. Q

    CSSA Physics

    Re: Question on difficulty of CSSA physics I'm pretty sure the 8 marker had little to do with the AC vs. DC argument of Westinghouse and Edison; the stimulus provided did mention it, however the question did not asking anything about it. Hopefully you guys weren't tricked and actually wrote a...
  11. Q

    CSSA Physics

    I remember a value on my calculator that was like 2.026... A. It was quite an easy question IRC.
  12. Q

    CSSA advanced mathematics- dude wtf?!

    From memory the light intensity question was very easy for me, I had no problems with it. However, I'm hopeless at probability and I felt like ripping out question 10b... haha.
  13. Q

    Ask me for chemistry help!

    Once you reach the enthalpy change per mole you times it by 3.33333333333 or (30/100)^-1.
  14. Q

    Ask me for chemistry help!

    There be 6 marks on sulfuric acid, some marks on a synthetic molecule, some marks on Le Chateliar and some marks on saponification... don't know the rest [teacher give hints randomly through class, I write down in back of book]
  15. Q

    Ask me for chemistry help!

    HDPE refer to Ziegler-Natta catalyst and its low temperature and pressure (100 degree celsius, 2 atmospheres)
  16. Q

    Ask me for chemistry help!

    Wrong, you have forgotten a vital step of pH adjustment that occurs after screening.
  17. Q

    CSSA English Paper 2 How Did Everyone Go?

    I did 20 pages on close study of text, 10 for into the world and 1 for distinctively visual; I'm sad.
  18. Q

    English trials?

    I assumed it meant that either: a) Someone can strive to belong (e.g. Edward Scissorhands; he changes his physical appearance, i.e. cuts his hair, in his attempt to embrace the challenge to belong) b) Someone can not strive to belong (e.g. Romulus, My Father; the migrants unwillingness to...
  19. Q

    English trials?

    Yes, in fact it is much better to do so as in most cases individuals cannot fully resist or fully embrace belonging... there would have to be instances where they resist or embrace only to a certain degree. For me the test was difficult: my pre-written short-story focused on a brotherly...