Congratulations to the both of you, ninjapanda & fahout :)
I also have absolutely no experience either.
I also looked at those sites the night before the interview, ninjapanda! They're really helpful aren't they? :)
I guess I won't give up my hopes just yet as I don't think I did too well...
Thank you :)
But according to a friend, Cotton On have already contacted those who got the job. Not too sure though, guess we'll see! :/
Oh nice! Hopefully you got the DFO job :D
I have a group interview tomorrow for Colette... kind of nervous since it's a group one :/
I also applied and went for the interview last Saturday! I also haven't received any calls yet either :/
I'm gonna just give it another week, since they also ran interviews this Fri/Sat.
Good luck and all the best with getting contacted! :)
I quite like my timetable... minus the 4 hour break on Monday. :(
Oh well.
But the classes/buildings should be relatively close to one another... right?
I know how you feel... I was a bit disappointed too cos Art pulled me down quite a bit (darn BOW) But I guess I got over it and learnt to accept it.
You still did well, really! :)
Don't be too gutted, the HSC is over now. I'm sure you'll find a way or another to Architecture :)
The 2012 cohort at my school are not as strong as our 2011 cohort, to be honest.
Our 2011 cohort moved our school from the bottom of the Top 200 schools to one of the Top 100 schools, so I think that says quite a bit with the standard our 2011 cohort set up for the 2012 class :|
Re: Wow, fuck that
Me too... T___T Today's paper was unbelievably hard.
That park q tripped me out cos I thought you couldn't have negative time :'(
Damn, should've just added what I got to 10am, could've gotten that mark easily. *Sigh*
"a composition on or adaption of a studied text"
I think I'll crawl into a hole somewhere isolated if it's seriously based on the belonging text we've been studying...