I've already done it!
You don't happen to be thinking that I'm depressed or anything right?
I've already started to embrace my homosexuality, etc, etc.
I'm being myself! I'm very curious about human nature...
But sometimes, when the things around you just seem so impossibly...blinding that you can't stumble your way through.
Not that easy to be 'yourself', when you construct yourself through interactions with other people.
It's all...
Haha, I guess everyone has their own faults then :)!
(Though really, I was thinking of this issue more as are you an 'extrovert' or 'introvert' question. The idea of 'grabbing attention' wasn't really on my mind.)
Just asking.
Because I myself know that if I try to blend in with the crowd, I'll feel like a round peg in a square hole!
I never do things like any other person, and lots of people have called me weird, but I always do things my way.
And I make less-than-stellar impressions on my...
Well are the subjects alright for year 11? I've got these in my head..
Maths 3U (Maths Ext. 1)
English 3U(English Ext. 1)
Biology 2U
Chemistry 2U
Physics 2U
(I just have to do 12 in year 11; I'll drop it to 10/11 units in year 12, probably one of the sciences..)
If I don't make it into Maths...
Umm, I'm not very good with terms (I'm only in Year 10 this year), but I'll try my best to explain...
I would like to be a Psychologist when I grow up; or at least major in Psychology at University, so here are some questions that I wanted to ask..
1) What kind of qualifications in...