Atom FTW. Can't believe i got that, i was tearing between Electron and Atom, but gut feeling dragged me to choose Atom. ..
Plate tectonics is a theory right?... ....
what you guys put for what the uterus's function was?...
i screwed.
Too much bio kills my head.
I demand more physics.
I was going spastic from my rows of coloured same letters.
and damn the jelly question. Too geo - ish for my liking.
anywayz, fingers cross for a mark above 85 ... ;]
There's more people. Here's examples of three:
Individuals: Germaine Greer, Feminist who contributed to the mass of second wave feminism. She wrote the controversy 'female eunuch' and was an active advocator for women's liberation
Charles Perkins: Lead the freedom ride with aims...
lolz. I've already began bludging since trials finished...
i've just started to cram for monday.
More bludging after school cee's,
never have to see my year ten math text book again!
^ agreed dude!
finally never have to see Geo and History EVER AGAIN!