We're allowed to wear white shirts, but not permanently. In addition, green shirts are a tax deductible item for those who pay tax. This contravenes the agreement as a) the company is not paying for the shirts, b) tax deductions are not available to everyone, therefore even if we ignored a) not...
Why should we have to buy our own shirts? The agreement says we should be reimbursed for them. From the WA state agreement:
"...the company shall supply such uniforms free of charge or pay for its purchase and such uniform shall remain property of the company."
In addition,
"Where an...
Wow. I've never served smokes (mostly because I can't stand serving people something that will eventually eat them from inside, but that's a different story). I've never filled drinks during self serve time (WOW. That must be tough!!!!).
In response...
1. We were told that leaving the silver key at the service desk is a no-no.
2. Wow, the NCR trainer said this is breaking Rule #1 of being an attendant :)
4. Well, we put the float in before the store opens every morning. We're allowed to open the SCO to replace receipts/repair...
lols @ the bakery boy. I like the people in bakery. Easily the most fun department after deli, of course.
I hope you were returning the trolley to the trolley bay or something like that. I'd hate it if you were doing something important with it. Adding insult to injury. Get well soon.
Straight from the induction booklet re finger scan
...This information is used both for wage calculations and as a staff record for roll call should we have the need to evacuate the store during an emergency... Failure to use the finger scan for any unacceptable reason may result in...