@something: Ask any teacher and they will tell you that there is never enough time.
@lee: Okay cool, that's your solution. Now just get that past all the political barriers and then go onto the incredibly costly and time consuming process of designing the curriculum and bobs your uncle!
The question you should be asking is what exactly constitutes a ‘Proper science education’
This question is of course unanswerable within the context of formal schooling, as the total time that is available to you over the 13 years that they are in school is not enough.
Thus when it comes...
Compulsory voting is like the cross country in high school. Nobody wants to do it, half don’t even try, and lots don’t even attend school that day.
It's bullshit
The OP's post is pretty much correct. Most laws are not there in the interest of keeping social order, but rather to further the self-interests of the state and other special interest groups.
Firstly I would just like to thank you for responding for me, since time has shown that you are far, FAR better are forming such responses than I'll ever be. Funnily enough what you have alluded to is the biggest question for those in the libertarian movement, which is "How do we go about...
The reason I said 10 million is to demonstrate the flaw in the current policy, the price of off OR onshore processing has no roof. Thus as I've explained you either let people in and don't give them anything, or you keep them out with force, if you are a strict believer in the idea of national...
Well welfare is bad
noy you don't need a government
and of course it's immoral it's still stealing moron - At least make taxation voluntary if you want to keep the state
And lastly Bullshit - nobody forced them to come to this country out of the other 190+ plus to choose from, so no...
I would never force other's to pay for my misfortune, I would seek help from friends and family in my time of need but never force it upon them, I understand not all can do that but that isn't the point.
If a right to something means another person will have to pay for it, then it is no longer...
This bickering is pointless. A country should either close its borders to illegal immigration even if they are seeking asylum OR open its borders but don't give them any type of government support. Both are morally correct options, because the idea of taking money from my pocket and giving it to...
Off topic about illegal immigration, but still on topic about elections.
Why is it that when voting for a third party, people may agree with 90% of that parties policies but when they find one or two things they don't like they immediately write them off! However conversely they may hate 90% of...
Does the PNG policy only apply to boat people, or does it also apply to those who come here by plane? As in will they be deported to PNG from Australia upon arrivial?
Don't worry mate, there's a Trotskyist in all of us. Why I remember when I discovered my Trotskyist. I swiftly shot him to death and then went about feeding his entrails to starving North Korean children.
Whoa hey, I don't like shooting people and sinking boats as much as the next person. One could always take over said boat and steer it out of our waters back into international ones. And if they sink their own boat it obviously becomes an S and R mission. Once said people are rescued they will...
Ok so I’ve essentially won. You have alluded to that yes; you would be against people coming to this country if the numbers were too large. That's all I wanted to hear, now you're finally making some logical sense instead of avoiding the issue and denying denying denying.
I don't believe in...
You have simply done what JT145 has done and that is avoiding reality. You have fallen into the trap that JT145 has, which is saying that it's not so bad because XYZ. They could all come on boats, they could all come on planes, their method of transport is irrelevant. You’re saying that don't...