A girl has never truly been kissed, until she has had her vertical lips kissed.
I'm such a filthy, sick, twisted pervert my favourite sex fantasy is Daddy-Daughter Incest.
So many girls have dumped me because i have asked them questions such as “Does your dad like looking at you naked”, “If your dad asked you to have a shower with him would you say yes?”
Whenever i...
I've always wanted a girlfriend who is willing to play 'Daddy-Daughter' roleplays with me but no girls are willing.
With my last girlfriend i tried forcing her to call me 'Daddy' and say 'harder Daddy' and let me call her 'my lovely daughter' when we had sex but she kept refusing saying it...
I love it when a hot chick sits in front of me on the bus and i get to perv at her and drool at her from behind without her knowing because she can't see me, and get so horny you feel like wanking off right there and then in your seat.
The most embarrassing part is when you stand up to leave...
I once ruined an icebreaker with this hot girl by accidently looking down at her tits. We started off well, the conversation was great until the perverted animal inside me took hold and i couldn't help getting a hard strong oogle over her sweet voluptuous breasts, my eyes telling her i wanted to...
If your secret crush has a crush on someone else, or if there are other guys who want your secret crush, eliminate all competitors using all force necessary. A smear campaign blackening their reputation is good (accuse them of pedophilia, sexual deviancy, or sick fetishes) or use physical...
With my secret crush,
On top of her in bed i listen to her moan and scream.........in Terror as i smother her face with a pillow. She struggles free and runs down the hallway yelling: "HELP! HELP! Theres someone in my house! Intruder!".
As she runs toward the front door I grab a knife from the...
Dear secret crush,
Watch out for the Axe murderers, psychopaths and serial killers attracted to your beauty and want to dismember your body and cut up your face.
I should know, because I AM ONE OF THEM.
Dear secret crush,
Please wax your arms the same way you wax your legs and armpits. I want them silky smooth, especially your forearms. No girl should have any hair on their arms.
I have a crush not on an entire girl per se, but just one of her body parts. I think shes a bitch, not very good looking, horrible persona but she has quite possibly the most voluptuous, face smothering, honey suckling breasts i have ever seen. In love with her breasts, definately not with her.
Remember guys if you're gonna admit to a girl you've had a crush on her don't tell her it was for too long.
i.e if you tell her you've had a crush on her for a few weeks thats fine.
But if you say you've had a crush on her for more than 6 months it could come off as extremely creepy(more than...
My message to my secret crush is so violent, so disturbing, so sick, so twisted, so horrific, so sadistic, so shockingly cruel that she might think i'm a psychopathic serial killer of women......
The sensual pleasure i get hearing her moan and scream............As i use an Axe to hack off her arms and legs and rip out her internal organs using a steak knife.
Well, im sure all the oringinal posters have gotten laid by now, so if it doesn't happen now, it'll eventually happen. And if they haven't after 8 years LOL :lol: