hey artemisorthia thanks i'll give it a try..could you please scan it..thank you so much :) i will inbox you my email address btw i googled plutrachs lives and unfortunately i couldnt find it is plutarch's lives a book or something? thanks again
hey guys im doing philip II of macedon (alexander the great's father) for my essay in ancient history does anyone have some notes/essays about philip II of macedon? thanks :) need it asap :)
oh ok thanks :) artemisorthia i tried looking on the resourse section but i couldnt find anything about Philip II of macedon thanks anyway :) are there anyway i could find notes?
Hi.thanks for the website that u gave about the "australia in 1960's"......
ummm i was just wondering..if u have any work, that u have done about this topic and if u hav.. would u be able to send it to me please :)
Hi.thanks for the website that u gave about the "australia in 1960's"......
ummm i was just wondering..if u have any work, that u have done about this topic and if u hav.. can u send it to me please :)
hey guys i need some help!!!!
I'm doing an essay about Australia's social and cultural history in the Post war period (1960's)
Areas to research:
- sport and important sportspersons
-technology changes
- household appliances
-brititsh and/ or american...
Hey guys,
I already GOT the School Cerificate papers of 2003 and 2006
BUT I need some of the past School Cerificate Papers WITH answers (band 6 answers would be more preferable)....I NEED the 2007, 2008, and 2009 papers...
Email me for my email address OR give me a link for the papers or...