Hi Carrotsticks, I am not sure if you are implying I would be a tutor that "care" or "are in it for the money"
I think it would be great for the current student if you gave them extra time as a bonus. However, if you had a student who is next in line (or a few students one after another) - I am...
Thanks mate, I am used to juggling a lot of things... uni was a good training ground to multitask. Not trying to be lame, but I love teaching and I really miss it. Looking at other tutoring websites and what tutors are charging, my rate is quite low. I won't be taking too many students (with...
The 50 min bit = the aim is to tutor a student one after another. As it takes time to answer last minute questions, some time for the student to pack up and then meet the next student etc... I don't want to charge the current student these times when I am not actually tutoring them. I think its...
Hi Guys,
If you want to advertise your tutoring services (all majors), please feel free to advertise here so students can just look up this thread.
Subjects I can tutor: ACCG 100, 101, 106, 308 and 340
B Business Administration and B Commerce (Accounting) graduate (Macquarie)...
I am studying BBA with Commerce (Accounting).
I recommend that you do a double degree with BBA. BBA is a general business management degree and some people (if you don't have work experience. good at looking at the big picture and good with writing long answer questions in exams) you will not...
Re: which uni is best?
There are always special cases and I don't agree that if you have a low UAI you will be out the door (I have seen people with low UAI get into top companies)
I am working in a big 4 firm next year (I am from MQ) and I wouldn't look down on anyone that has a low UAI...
Hey Guys,
When I did ACCG 340 I found it so hard, so I asked my friends which tutor they had and if they were any good. I ended up going to 3 tutorials for 340 (including the one I enrolled in) and I had a blast! (I know its not for everyone but it worked for me)
Colly He (she is the...
If your studying commerce related degree keep in mind
Internships - most open in August, so you want to be here for interviews.
Graduate Programs - most open in Feb/March.
So avoid going on exchange in 3rd year (2nd semester) and 4th year (1st semester).
I think going on exchange in...
Do it manually.
HD (85-100)= 4
D (75-84)= 4
Credit (65-74)= 3
Pass (50-64)= 2
PC (55-59)= 1
F (0-54)= 0
USYD (I think...):
HD = 7
D = 6
Credit = 5
Or you can use the raw mark to calculate your average.
Hi Buddy,
I have already gone on exchange in my 2nd year, 1st semester. I will be going again on exchange next semester (which will also my last semester at uni). I also have a graduate job secured next year.
My recommendation is based on - if you think you can get a graduate position and...
Hi Guys,
The numbers I mentioned was in regards to the number of Interns my firm took this year. Obviously bigger cities like Sydney and Melbourne take in more Interns and Grad's compared to smaller cities. Also, the number of Graduate positions and Internship position varies (ie if the interns...
Hey Fishfingerz,
I did an internship with a Big 4 accounting firm this year and I received an early graduate offer. I am from Macquarie.
What the Ernst and Young rep told you is true but it depends on what division you are applying for. Audit usually takes the most, around 40 people and Tax...
Hi Guys,
Macquarie does have a careers office and they just recently hired 2 new staff at the career office to cater for the Faculty of Business and Economics students. Like all uni's in Australia they hold career fairs - I got heaps of flyers from different companies, got accepted into...
Not a marketing guy at MQ uni.
Just someone that has worked his butt off and telling you what I saw and what I heard.
Btw, the stuff I mentioned about the extra curricular activities I have done, except for volunteering overseas (which I want to do at the end of this year).
If you have any...
I recently completed an internship at a Big 4 accounting firm and received an early graduate offer. I am from Macquarie Uni.
I think Accounting in easy once you understand it.
Talking to interns from UTS/UNSW/USYD they studied a lot of audit theory whereas at MQ it was very practical where we...