so I do Chem, ext 1 maths, adv English,music 1 and drama
I'm like a 55% average in ext maths( external mark depends on difficulty)
and like 80% in music (but pretty sure I'll be getting 90% in externals)
I know ext is horrible but I just stuck it out anyway, and I did improve from 45% to...
English adv: 20/92
ext maths:11/12
chem: 10/12
music: 5/7
chem and ext maths are VERY strong classes. assuming I do really well in all externals, is it still possible to get 97? school rank: 28
so, if you're ranked LAST at your school and then you perform outstandingly in your HSC, what happens? is there any point trying if you rank is crap? aren't you just going to get the mark of the person who does worst in the HSC exam at your school?
because that girl does chemistry and ext maths and is topping everything and will get a ridiculously high mark and therefore pull me up? yeah? also yes 50% is my raw mark for ext maths. its hard.. top is like 80% at the moment. our school writes hard papers. and in saying that we've only done...
every one in front of me in chemistry will be getting a band 6 i think. one of the girls was top 4 internationally in a physics olympiad. change anything?
how much will i need to improve ext maths? music and drama will probably not change- but i have the ability to change ext maths and...
wow, your trials must have been so hard compared to your assessments?! were they?
makes me scared cause i start trials tomorrow LOL should probs be studying
i just used it.. and i dont think atar calculators can be used until the 14th of december when the HSC marks come out. mainly because i put my school marks in it and it came out with 82.9 where as the people on this website to which i gave my rankings and subjects and whatnot said i'd get 96. so...
school ranked 28th
chemistry -7/15
mathematics- 6/36
maths ext 1- 11/12 yeah woops trials are worth 45% so hopefully this will change
drama- 6/25
music 1- 3/7
English adv- 13/92