Thanks for all the replies guys!! I'll have a think about it more but I'm still leaning towards international business because I really wanna do something that i enjoy and hopefully it will complement my language studies and maybe allow me to travel and work overseas
i got accepted into comm/arts from comm (liberal studies)
just accepted the offer today!
i have an issue though: i already enrolled in 4 courses when my degree was comm lib. i want to change 2 of those courses but i can't seem to figure out how :S
when i click 'update your enrolment', it...
Hey guys
So I'm doing a comm/arts degree (just finished first year) and from what I know, I can do 1 comm major, 1 arts major and 1 arts minor with this degree
In arts I want to major/minor in languages (korean/jap)
But in comm initially I planned to major in finance but I really...
I'm doing a Commerce (Liberal studies) degree at UNSW. So I looked at the handbook and figured that I needed to add the 4 compulsory core courses which is what I've done.
My timetable looks like this now: - Is this correct?
What about the 'liberal studies'...
Yeah, I have been on this website but I'm still unsure about the questions I specified as some the information given is a bit unclear/doesn't answer my question(s).
Thanks though :)
Hey guys, I just have a few questions regarding Commerce and combined degrees (I plan to study at UNSW if it matters). I would really appreciate it if anyone could take the time to answer any or all of the questions:
1. How many majors can you do for Comm/Arts? Is it possible to do 2 commerce...
Sorry, forgot to mention I was referring to UNSW.
But according to this it's 5 years:
Hi, just a quick question: how many contact hours is it per week for a Bachelor of Commerce/Arts?
Is it the same as B Comm but it's just extended to 5 years?
You make a good point and I'll think about it. I'm only really wanting to do the language for fun (+ for when I travel oversease and stuff). I just always thought it'd be easier if I did it as part of my uni studies. Will it really affect my WAM? Are language studies hard or something?
Hm, right. I never considered electives.. but nor do I know what they really are. I was reading the UNSW handbook for B Comm - are electives what they call 'Free Options'? For free options, it says they must be taken from the Business faculty so I'm guessing I can't do languages as electives? :S...
Thanks for the quick replies.
So just to clarify, as an example, if I did B Comm/Arts at UNSW, I could elect to just do Commerce (2 majors), Indonesian and Chinese with no other Arts subjects?
Also, is there a different course for Indonesian language as opposed to 'Indonesian Studies'?
Is it possible to do Commerce + a language at UNSW/USYD?
I want to do Commerce and possibly Indonesian/Chinese/Japanese studies (maybe even 2 languages)
What degree would I have to do if it is even possible? Commerce (Liberal Studies)? Commerce/Arts?
NB: I only want to do language(s) on top...
Hey seremify,
I've decided not to apply for any cadetships. Main reason being that I don't feel I'm that motivated enough to do it to be honest and I'd sort of like to relax/socialise more during uni (hope I don't sound lazy here).
However, I do not want to totally slack off during uni and...