It's been two years so it wouldn't help you, and I have to go soon, but part of it:
* Many people left South Vietnam before the fall of Saigon through Australian and American aid, but not all were able to be transported in time
* The remainding people, if they could afford it, would pay for...
Yeah...we read it in class in year six (or five, I can't actually remember which one as it was a composite class where the fifteen people from my year were the same for both years five and six...). We then watched the play. It was so sad and kinda weird! It's good to have read it though, I...
This is a couple of months late so it wouldn't help for this task, but in case you end up seeing this again it might help for information in general:
* Adolescence is a term used in Western societies (as Existential said, it's a social construction)
* Adolescence came in after World War 2, used...
I'd have to say Jerry B. Jenkins. My two favourite books, Riven and Though None Go With Me, are both by him, as well as one of my favourite series (Left Behind).
I looked through two of the books but didn't find what I was looking to quote...
Definitely Animorphs. I used to jump up and down and try to fly (if I flapped really, really hard it worked in my dreams...I guess my dream-self knew that it was unrealistic and so would never let me just fly easily - I could never get higher than a metre or so off the ground. Still, I could...
I semi-leant an acquaintance the first few books of a series in year seven. Semi-leant meaning that I gave it to her when we got on the bus home from school and I got it back when we got off. She ended up not wanting to read the rest of the series - at one stage we weren't friendly at all, now...