drop to 2U as it means that you are saving heaps of extra time. one extra unit uses up at least 3 hours more each work of hw and study so i wud recommend dropping it:santa:
probably not gonna do 4U
do u reckon i shud??
so you reckon i shud continue with these subjects?
im probably not going to drop any of my subjects but wat did u mean abt :english is the only subjects that going to count??
oh hey wat do you reckon abt my ranks?
i reckon our year which is doing in the hsc next yr are gonna do well but this year are gonna do really bad!our rankings mite go from 60th to 100th and then back up to 70ish..
im doing physics,chem,eco,english,3Maths,photography
wat do u reckon i shud...
hey yongzhen u used to go 2 my skl :)
my ranks at this skl r:
maths 2U-40/90
maths 3U-30/60
+ Photography :)
wat do you reckon of my ranks @ ryde..wat atar is possible??
Maths 2U:37/88
Maths 3U:27/60
School's rank in 09: 80s
could you also plz help me estimate my atar based on these results
thank you
well do you reckon you could estimate my marks based on the skl rankings and my rankings and keep in mind that the skl rankings cud bounce bak 2 90th next year.
lets just assume i keep the same rankings for the rest of the year,what atar am i heading towards?
Maths 2U:37/88
Maths 3U:27/60
School's rank in 07: 120s
School's rank in 08: 150s
School's rank in 09: 60s
Hi guys could you please help me estimate my atar based on the results above for my preliminary course so far
thank you
Harry Potter