The highest court of appeal is ultimately the High Court, which has a criminal jurisdiction, but the question is ambiguous; does it mean the next court it can appeal to or what will ultimately be the highest court it can appeal to?
I said High Court. Fingers crossed.
There wouldn't be any profit in selling a productive asset though, given that you'd be selling it for less than you bought it. A car for example depreciates as soon as you purchase it, so selling it wouldn't increase gross profit.
I got the question wrong too, said fixed costs. Multiple choice...
It's influenced by the savings-investment gap predominately, which is structural, but fluctuations in the global economy impact the availability of credit and interest rates and so the value of net primary income. Also, when demand is high for Australian exports then often to finance expansion...
if I wrote about all the objectives except for environmental sustainability, will my marks be significantly impacted (I'm talking more than 3 marks deducted)? I wrote about fiscal, monetary, labour market and a pretty broad mirco paragraph, included a couple of conflicts and limitations too.
I was over the moon with my marks internally and placed first in all bar one of my subjects. I find it very difficult to believe that I'll be able to achieve identical results (I'd imagine my external marks may be about 5% lower).
if my external exam mark is lower, by let's say 5%, but my...
School rank: 100th (give or take 5 places)
Economics: 1/16
Business: 1/28
Legal: 2/14
Modern: 2/15
Advanced English: 2/48
Ext 1 English: 2/7
Ext 2 English: 1/6
I've received band 6s for almost all of my assessments so far. What do you guys think I could achieve for my ATAR? Thanks in advance!
No, its going to raise much more than that. However after all the measures have been implemented, another $4 billion on top of the revenue will be spent.
It's hardly ingenious... A tax on carbon emissions is a very simple concept.
This tax isn't going to work. The ridiculous compensation to big bad polluters, written off in various forms such as 'job shielding', and tax cuts/payments to households will destroy much of the incentive for...