It has alot of hard concepts and its a very jam packed exam. But I had a good teacher which made engineering awesome. So if you have a crap teacher drop it soon.
I suggest studying before you go to sleep. But you can still study in the morning. Apparently studying things before sleeping allows you to retain it more.
Tbh. I set out to do alot this year but didn't achieve but this year was the best for my grades. It was good as in being at school this year was just fun. Though my tip is have fun, but know your boundaries. Have the duality between fun and studying. I did and I dont regret any of it. :D
Hey dude I did the same thing for the one on Monday.. I asked the lady she said that it would be fine because there tied together and have the number of pages used on there. So yeah its fine don't be worried just feel happy that you finished English :)
Hey I do Bio, Physics and Chem
I don't find it that hard all you have to do is moderate your study between the subjects. Though probably the biggest pain is doing summaries for all the subjects.
Yeah I know how you feel. Yeah im in the process of doing the medstart exams and they get harder :(
Don't worry the way i see it is that everyone's on the same boat, time management is super hard for the umat.