hey im stuck on the first page as i reckon all the transactions (7) impacted the control account Cash at Bank but there are only 3 slots in front of me so I can't record all 7 answers. Help! Is there a chance some cheques that weren't processed through the bank this week are only recorded next...
just noticed this was for prelim lol
cmon who cares
for all of my hsc subjects (on average) my marks were 1.5x higher than in prelim
you might not have studied the right way
did you do lots of practice questions
did you learn from your mistakes
did you actually understand the concepts
During holidays: 9+
During school: an average of 7
I didn't sleep for 2 days straight when I was finishing my BOW for ext 2 (so 48+ hours is my record)
For hsc science:
- the logic subjects are a lovely change from the nonsense english courses
- it'll aid in uni studies
- Requires a lot of attention
- Requires a good memory
you haven't lost 7% of your overall marks
your internal marks change in the end according to external (actual hsc exam) marks
STOP freaking out
DO some study
and work up your rank (that's the most important thing)
depends what you mean by topic, syllabus dot point? Module?
Wouldn't recommend learning a module in a day
unless you have a eidetic memory
but anyway
you have a while before school starts
so start on up/revise your work
starting with the worst ones
might want to consider getting practice...