solid rankings son, i would say 94-96, just make sure you are helping your classmates as well, cause in hsc you all work as a 'cohort' against other schools, your atar is indirectly affected by the performance of your fellow classmates
school ranking is super important and it affects your HSC mark ALOT, as a 2011 HSC student, i have ALREADY personally experienced the effects of school rankings, my school previously ranked mid 30s now ranking mid 20s, i compared my trial mark, my internal and school rankings along with other...
Your school is ranking around 200 so its not that bad, you seem to do quite well in most subjects however for advanced english you are only ranking 9th out of 19 and it has the lowest mark out of all subs. Other than Economics and advanced English, other subjects don't 'scale' that well, I think...
i dunno bro, i dont think CLAW is that hard for me....i basically made a sheet with all the cases and the principles behind them.....have you listened to the podcast and read the sample answers? i find them quite helpful
LOL, cool, i am studying claw1001 too but i find it ok. dont worry about him. i am just wondering because i have never heard of people transferring during the semester...but nothing is impossible tho
yea exactly, i doubt that as well. i really dont want him to go, but he sounds so serious about it. So, NO transfer can be made during the semester, yeah? you cant really walk away from your mid-semester exam and then just go to another uni and start over again.....
I know someone who is currently studying in University Of Sydney doing Bachelor of Commerce. He is telling me he is going to transfer to UNSW bachelor of commerce, next week.
So i am wondering, is it ever possible to transfer during the semester? this is his first semester in first year. he got...