So I was not expecting an offer from UNSW last week but I did receive it. By then I had accepted an early offer from another university, and had enrolled. Is it possible to enroll into UNSW while still enrolled at the other university, and then withdraw the enrollment from the other place a few...
What does this mean?
"For any question where ‘non-attempt’ is recorded on our system, we have verified that you did notmake an attempt at the question"
This is part of what I got back in my results check pdf. I'm pretty freaking sure I answered all of the essay questions know...
Yeah. Sort of...I kind of got what I expected because I didn't really study that much during HSC. I tried my best, but it was at the last minute. However, how I got there(the individual subject results) - totally unexpected. It turns out I would have gotten my ideal ATAR if one subject didn't...
Because I don't understand the huge difference in results. My teacher hasn't marked hsc recently but she has in the past, and she told us she marked to HSC standards. I was getting high 80s in drama(both theory and practical) and I also worked really hard for it. For the external theory exam it...
Thanks a lot :) I didn't get the ATAR I wanted at you have any stories about these smart people you know of? Just so I can feel a little better about myself lol
That is - my deputy principal, who actually said "there is no such thing as scaling" (STRAIGHT OUT those words exactly) in a year 10 meeting about subject selection. He wanted us to do the subjects we wanted rather than for scaling, but that idiot should not have lied to us.
Okay well I know didn't do well at all in maths, because I studied it last minute - I got 76. But I got the same exact score for drama, when I was getting 87-89 in my marks consistently in school. I'm also first in drama.
So do you think there's any likelihood of a mistake?
The result was...
I didn't do it before...I know, stupid...but I came constantly first in Drama this year. I always blitzed the theory and the prac. Could there be something wrong? I got 76 whereas I was realistically expecting 90.
Okay thanks. Well yes it does seem pretty obvious...but they did make it a proper 'title' so I was still wondering if it was important enough to tell the people in person.