Well i entered the Postcode for Dural into Macquarie Calculator for it http://mq.edu.au/future_students/undergraduate/bonus_points/rural_bonus_scheme/ and apparently it is haha. Im not going to be arguing though need all the bonus points if im going to get into law!
So with the Rural bonus points scheme you get 5 bonus points if you live in certain areas which i do cause somehow dural is rural... anyway i was wondering how the university actually knows this? Is it through your UAC application? Also would my bomus points from EAS be added to onto the 5...
Ok, so my friend recieved his School Report recently and was shocked to find out his ranks, whilst i for once was happy with mine! Anyway, he wants to know if 90+ ATAR is still possible if he aces externals. Thanks for any help.
Adv English 80/120
Ext English 11/22
Legal 7/40
Bio 12/37
Just Wondering what im looking at.
Legal Studies Mark: 88 3/42
Business Studes: 74 15/41
Adv English: 78 41/112
Ext English: 88 5/22
Modern: 76 11/48
School Rank is 120 :)
Thank you for any assistance. Im aiming for Atar of around 80 :)