I enrolled in my subjects and sorted out my timetable straight after I finished the written assessment. For my course enrolment had to take place on campus :)
Just checked my UTS email and had received and email which said I had to do a one page written assessment before I could enrol. It also said that if I didn't do well I would have to take a communications in science subject. Just wondering if anyone on here had any experience with this.
Thanks :)
ok thanks
i thought it was still 20% cause when i filled in the form for HECS it said if you pay upfront you only pay 80%
Oh another thing when i go to enrol on monday do i do my timetable for just the autumn semester or for both semesters?
Hey Guys,
So I have to go in for on-campus enrolment on Monday, (already rang UTS and I can't do it online for my course :mad2:) and was wondering do parents go to that, like can you pay your fees and stuff on that day? Probably a stupid question but anyway
Thanks :)
I came second... i know there was ten marks between me and vinh and then another ten marks between me and whoever was third, i think it was brandon.
i ended up with 75 which totally sucks, mrs kaur was expected a band six from me lol, as if that was ever going to happen.
btw do i know you...
hey guys,
was wondering how people went in chemistry this year. i wasn't expecting a super high mark but the mark i received was a lot lower than i thought it would be aligned to. did anyone else find themselves in this situation or should i consider getting that re-check service thing.
I did 7 or 8 pages (can't remember but I used 3 booklets) with about 6-8 words per line. What about you?
I prepared a lot more for Amenhotep III and Akhenaten
I talked a bit about that and how diplomacy was achieved through like the Amarna letters and the agreement with the Hittites. Also talked about how army generals were appointed to administrative roles and how power was taken away from the Amun priesthood (Akhenaten). Also talked about Armana in...
I did Amenhotep III to the death of Ramesses II. It was ok, I did part 'B' which was about the administration during the period so there was a lot to talk about. I thought part 'A' sucked, I didn't know enough on Horemheb though. Too bad there wasn't a specific question on Amenhotep III or...
I did Minoans, I liked the 15 mark question, it was general enough that you could really talk about anything. I started with bull leaping and then the significance of the bull in religion and then I talked about religion in general. I also talked about clothes and jewellery and other leisure...
ok so when i was applying to UAC it want your qualifications. it had already added PRINCIPLE YEAR 12 QUALIFICATION which could not be deleted. at the top of the page it said things you should include are things such as the NSW HSC. I added the HSC to my qualifications and so ended up with...