Obtained a loan of $500 from PDY Bank at a simple interest rate of 3% per year. The first interest payment is due at the end of August 2013 and the principal of the loan is to be repaid on 1 June 2017.
Which journal should I post this in, the general journal or the special cash receipts...
For management my essay the question requires you to critically discuss "Culture eats strategy for breakfast" (Peter Drucker)
I just cant seem to understand what it means and someone whos done introductory mangaement subject at uni please help. Any tips will be appreciated
I will be...
This is specifically talking about bachelor of commerce.
Once you graduate university at the end of November (usually) and you apply and get the job for big 4. How long do you usually have before you start your work?
Is it possible to go on a 2 month holiday with family??? do you think...
Re: Does anyone know for USYD combined law is it possible to drop LAW "ANYTIME U WANT
Thank you very much Enoilgam,
If anyone else could also shed some light with experience or knowledge it would be highly appreciated.
Just wanted to say this is a serious question and I would really appreciate any help. I know some of you have hatred towards me in the past and I apologise.
This is a question directly to the combined law students (commerce/law) to the USYD students. However this might be the same in other...
I'm thinking off putting off "ALL" my law units for the next two semesters. I am in first year right now and by this what I mean is doing 4 commerce units a semester instead of doing the typical 3com-1law units way. This is for personal reasons and I was just wondering if this is "possible".
Aim: Any mid tier law firm.
- Macquarie B.commerce/B.laws(second class honours)
- WAM for commerce = 80, WAM for law = 72, (OVERALL WAM = 75, MQ GPA : 3.5/4.0)
- All attempts for Mooting extracurricular, 3.5 years irrelevant part time work experience, 2 relevant clerkship for law,