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  1. posh bitch

    Studies of Religion I

    omg ! section 3, did we have to bring in the ethics and practice even though it only asked for person ?
  2. posh bitch

    Studies of Religion I

    I NEVER KNEW ANGICAN WAS MORE THAN ORTHODOX !! Grrrrrrr/ 9/10 for me :(
  3. posh bitch

    Studies of Religion I

    It was Coz 64% is just Christianity
  4. posh bitch

    Studies of Religion I

    I guessed 10 and got A -_-
  5. posh bitch

    Studies of Religion I

    What did everyone get for multiple choice
  6. posh bitch

    The Importance of the Land Rights Movement for Indigenous Australians.

    this mini-debate answered all of my questions :)
  7. posh bitch

    Band 6 cut off

    i dont understand this whole 'cut-off' thing so are you guys saying that even if you didnt get above 90 your mark can be aligned up ?
  8. posh bitch

    Responsibility to Protect QUESTION !!!

    Im just really confused . With the R2P, does it include all the nations of the world there is no signing or anything ? it is an initiative by the UN, so does that mean the countries that are not listed on the UN are included ?? im really confused :(
  9. posh bitch

    Help ! options essays study

    but i doubt they will ask any question for the second time because so many people have written responses to those questions many times
  10. posh bitch

    Help ! options essays study

    Do you guys think that they will ask the same questions for the options as the questions on the specimen paper or the 2011 paper. Because i dont want to study in depth for those questions ! help someone, i always do last minute study and it always works, but im just scraed if the same...
  11. posh bitch

    HSC crime Question

    Hi guys, i was just wodering do we have to mention any newspaper articles and journals in our response i already knwo about legislation and cases but im not sure about articles and the rest
  12. posh bitch

    Projectile Help !

    What do i do when the question states that it is projected horizontally. What will the anlge be, how do i go about the question ?
  13. posh bitch

    simple harmonic motion !

    please help me answer this Question. especailly part d refer to attachment. thankss ALSO::: in relation to simple harmonic, if the particle doesnt start in the middle, is the centre of the motion still the middle of the two end points ??
  14. posh bitch

    Simple Harmonic Motion

    Hi guys, i just wanted to see what everyone is doing about the simple harmoic equations. Are you guys just going to use the formulas or do you derive them each time like i do ? What is required in the hsc ?? please help, thanksss in advance.
  15. posh bitch

    how long should a creative be?

    my creative writing is 850 words and i can write it in 30-35 mins. Im planning to spend longer on section three as it requires more textual referencing and its harder to get marks.
  16. posh bitch

    hard acceleration question help.

    Thank you so much for this and the second part x
  17. posh bitch

    hard acceleration question help.

    someone please explain this question to me. i dont understand it
  18. posh bitch

    please helpp :(

    some one please help me answer part (b) of this question i have no clue ! see attached doc.
  19. posh bitch

    Velocity in terms of x QUESTION

    i have uploaded a pic of a question from the margaret grove textbook just one question. it states that the particle is INITIALLY (t=0) at rest (v=0) to the right of the origin (x=5) then it states that v=4x but when t=0, x=5 hence, v=4x5 which is 20 and NOT 0 so it cant be at rest ? help...
  20. posh bitch

    Skrzynecki PEOPLEE !

    thankss heaps.