Are all prescribed textbooks necessary?
I have 4 prescribed, can you please tell me if I should get them or not?
ECON1101- Principles of Microeconomics 3ED
ACCT1501- Financial Accounting An Integrated Approach 5ED
CHEM1101- Chemistry 2ED
BABS1201- Biology:Australian Version 9ED
Thank you...
These are my prescribed:
AOS: Immigrant Chronicles
ModA: Frankenstein, Blade Runner
ModB: Hamlet
ModC: Smithsonian Website
Please PM me your rates and where you can conduct lessons
just wondering do selective schools have to offer you a place if there's a free spot in year12?
heard from my friend that someone in year11 left at st George girls..
what's 3N awards?
i am worried about Economcs and extensions maths.
do you need year11 economics extensively in yr12? there's so much to study!
and also, I want to do extension 2 maths but I haven't done school maths hw for ages (tutor doesn't count right), what should I do :(
How long do you spend studying each day?
how do you study? (make notes, read textbooks?)
do you do all your homework? (esp maths extension)
I am hopeless, nearly year 12 and I am not doing anything.
does anyone ever repeat year11?
Silly question but how long do you guys take to get to school? I know some people take ages (for selective schools, private schools or better schools etc)
So those who travel a long distance, do you think it affects your studies?
And what do you do in that 40minutes, hour or more?