what? 4u next year will incorporate multiple choice? if thats true will sucks to next years lot. and what will a raw mark of lets say 105/120 in MX2 get scaled to in terms of a HSC mark?
hah good one. but i dont know how the ply bit got in? i was thinking of a soccer team while i was doing it so thats maybe how ply got in...plymouth or something?
and your name also makes zero sense
haha yeah it popped up on the radar so i decided to weigh in.
but trust me. prestige counts for a lot. (this btw is only referring to the business world) most firms hire domestically so have a very good idea what to expect from certain schools. so if you want to a very prestigious private...
not really "awesome school" and "awesome subjects" are a reference to the great man barney stinson from how i met your mother? not picking up on the cultural allusion there. poor form. your cousin wouldve picked up on that. and hes definitely not lame
I hope all of you know when it's time to get out into the real world...that school ranking doesn't count for anything, it's only the prestige of the school that will matter in the workforce.
School ranking only count towards your ATAR, which then allows you to get into your preferred uni...
theres this kid who goes to grammar rumor has it hes a BEAST. names fazar/feisel or something i dont know how to spell it. but watch out. hes coming to eat you
And this one as well "Upsize your meal, is what I love to say! (3,2,5)" a friend posted it somewhere and i can't get the answer...but i just have a feeling the answer is the answer to all of the worlds problems
You make a valid point on how stupid writing the limiting sums part actually is and I totally agree with you...
oh and also can some figure this one out for me? It's really bugging me "On merit legal I am slightly confused with this insult? (2,6)"
thanks heaps! well i've missed out on applying to the big 4 but theres still a couple of mid-tier firms with late application deadlines like weston woodley and hall chadwick so ill give them a shot :)
Sorry to repost this but no one answered the other half of my question haha which was:
I was just wondering is it beneficial to get an accounting cadetship if I am considering majoring in finance because I want to enter the banking industry.
But I'm really keen to gain some work experience...
I was just wondering is it beneficial to get an accounting cadetship if I am considering majoring in finance because I want to enter the banking industry.
But I'm really keen to gain some work experience, while studying and also getting paid!
Also do the firms let you do a double major?