Even that is arguable... its an introduction and going so in-depth into the technique of juxtaposition seems clunky. Some of the wording is off as well... Sticking to the basics and clearly outlining the two issues, outlining the extract and its significance in the whole text would have gotten...
Yes absolutely... do your normal analysis but tie it neatly to the extract and you should do well. Needless to say, during the listening aspect of the test take notes to remember the extract, it makes everything easier. good luck.
Interesting question... at my school we did the listening task on a completely unrelated and unseen text. I'll try and help as much as I can.
So, Textual integrity means how unified the text is as a whole and how its use of form, language techniques etc produce an integrated text as a whole. In...
Looks absolutely amazing in my opinion. You only have to look at some of the youtube videos to get pumped for this game.
Amazing trailer.
Very impressive gameplay returning to Hitmans roots.
Theres more...
Hmmm i liked Avengers more than Avatar... they both had there flaws though. Avatar ripped off much of its storyline from Pocahontas and Avengers was a superhero movie without the transformation from nerd to strong super hero, which makes those types of movies awesome.
Yeah my mistake, copper and gold are found free in nature but they were able to utilise these metals because they have lower melting points and could be easily reshaped. It does make sense and we are both correct, the un-reactive part is what is more important in an exam i suppose.
pretty much right, you need to talk about why though, not just how easy they are to obtain. Gold was used first because its a free metal and because of its low melting point whereas other metals were used later because temperatures couldn't be reached. Also other techniques such as electrolysis...
I am having a bit of trouble thinking of ideas for the creative writing section of my upcoming exam on the Gothic genre. My advanced creative for journeys was really good and I am finding it hard to reach that standard again. Its so hard to break the mould and write something new when basically...
I go to Tech and its a great school however the class you would be going into is OK but not the greatest, agriculture might be really interesting... you never know. Also Sup Fahad hahaha
How long you spend on a question should be based on how many marks the question is worth. 2 mark questions i generally write 1-2 paragraphs on and 4 mark questions about 3-4. It also depends on what the question is asking, if its a basic: 'describe one technique utilised' then definitely watch...