Taking all illegal mainstream drugs into perspective, marijuana isn't THAT bad. There's no need to confront or break up with him if it's not affecting you.
Now, if he was on something like creatine that would be a completely different story... creatine, not even once. That shit destroys lives man.
Everybody who I remember talking to said that your internal mark and your external mark each contribute 50% to your final mark. So if I had, say 75 for my external and 94 for my internal - after scaling, aligning etc. I don't know how the process works - the final mark would be the average of my...
Really? That's pretty disappointing considering the effort I put into this subject.
I'd guess that, considering last years cutoff (~80?) that at WORST (75+94)/2 = 84.5 would put me at about 92 or 93 - which is still pretty damn disappointing...
Hey guys, I'm wondering if anyone could estimate my final scaled/aligned mark. I don't understand the process so I'll try to provide as much information as possible.
Internal raw mark: 94
Internal rank: 1/30
HSC raw mark: 75-80 (This was absolutely horrible, all of my weakest topics were...
That was absolute BS. I'm 100% sure I've never learnt that, nor could I link it to anything I have learnt in class.
I guessed that X was H2SO4 (My teacher told me it was conc. H2SO4), but apart from that I can kiss those two sweet marks good bye.
I didn't study much of anything apart from ecumenism/interfaith dialogue + Significant person for Islam + Significant Person/Ritual for Christianity. I honestly couldn't have hoped to get any luckier than this.
A mathematical induction question in 6 or 7 involving inequalities.
A badly worded combination/permutation in question 5 that's worth 6 marks all together.
Yeah I see what you're trying to say...
When I take L2-L1 I get ln(2)/0.1 so hopefully they'll both be right answers.
IMO the wording for a couple of the questions was a bit vague.