LOL what end result, u have no muscles, why dont u try real weight training with bench and dumbbells, and looks like ur gunna need to eat more to put on mass
are u freakn serious??? that is the most stupid thing ive eva heard, more full licenced drivers create accidents than p platers, its a fact, p platers are just over publisised my this monay hungry government, it pisses me off, nobody will have a life anymore if they arnt allowed to drive on...
7 to 12 words per line
section 1: 6 pages
section 2: 6 pages
section 3: 7 and a half pages
finished just in time:thrust::thrust::thrust::thrust::smile:
how did everyone go for paper 2 today???? i did way better for paper two than the first paper, i still think they need to give us more time, 2 hours isnt enough, far out, my fingers felt like they where gunna fall off, thank god iits over now:awesome:
pulling an all nighter to do this :( so tired, eyes hurt, head hurts, thats what i get for forgetting to study the second half od my english exam, which is TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Not hard?
the business exam was way easier than i thought, much easier than the standard english exam i had today, the marketing question relating to legal sum legal issue or something?? i forget, but in that one area i diddnt do so well, the rest pretty great
im javing the same trouble, i was expecting the screen to ask me for my debit credit card details to pay, and it just came up saying that my payment was successfully submitted???? i need help with this !!!! where do i pay, and if i go to the post office, what forms do i give them to pay with??