the exams that i flunked out on (bio and legal) were full of smart people. especially legal, with most people asking for more booklets. i only really saw one person (other than me lol) struggle.
i hope i can get past these two failures and still get into my course! thanks.
English Standard - 17/125 - 75%
Biology - 15/42 - 40%
Business Studies - 7/39 - 75%
General Maths - 12/95 - 80%
Legal Studies - 17/30 - 45%
Studies of Religion I - 28/121 - 70%
first mark is rank, second is raw hsc exam estimate.
school rank wasn't listed on the list i saw.
I just estimated my raw marks for school assessments and hsc exams (just closed the page, but will try again) and calculated an atar of 50 lol.
Do you think that scaling can get me up to 60, generally speaking?
I do Legal Studies, Business Studies, Studies or Religion I, Biology, General Maths...
do trials have that much of an effect?! even if i was ranked 6th in general maths + ranked 10th in legal before trials? D:
so i basically need like 90 in each exam now to even it out to get the atar i need? :o
my school rank isn't on the list, uhh is that a bad sign?
English Standard - 14/125 - 59%
Studies of Religion I - 28/121 - 70%
Biology - 16/42 - 54%
Business Studies - 7/39 - 69%
General Mathematics - 16/95 - 73%
Legal Studies - 24/30 - 45%
^ these are my trial results.
My assessments for some...