hey, everyone, i'm a year 12 student and almost finish all my HSC exams. yesterday i just found something really funny and may make our lives more meaningful, there is a group called "Improv Everywhere" in USA, and...
i also mention microeconomic reform, because fiscal policy is a part of microeconomic policy so i think u should talk something about reform, which can also decrease Y inequality
lol, same here, i added like 'historical discrimination on women even though people is realising is a wrong value', just dont want the female get mad if i wrote something offensive
thats sooo true, i always try to complicate every question and i just find it works, i would say that for 4 units, u need to complicate every simple thing even though u can work it out with a common sense
well, the best way is CANCEL the COUNT DOWN, i was not that stressing before i came here, however, i dont think i can sleep tonight because i saw that GODDAMN COUNT DOWN, Jesus, LET ME BE
ok, the way i do is wake up at 6 if i have exam on that day, and then copy my essay twice before the exam. when u sit in the exam, u will find u can write down your whole essay even u close your eyes
if you cant, just try to skip the rest day of your school life, including hsc, so u will be forced to repeat the school whatever your parents agree or not. however, still try to talk to your mum first
tbh, people will change sometimes, if she feels very sorry for cheating on u and wants to go back to u too, why dont u think about it. its hard to find a rght gf