Clockworksolider, very good points, all of which I agree on. The fact that someone recently out of the HSC has a fresh memory is hands down the thing going for them. Most parents are forking it out for their children and if their children are keen to go to tutor XXX or YYY then they will happily...
Clockworksoldier, yes people are lazy to check the market. Please do understand I am writing this for young students. Some don't know how to check the market and not all young people are able to do this, you cannot blatantly say that everyone is your your level, intellectually, there are slow...
Love your quote fortune cookie. It really gets to students heads and how they see it is that if I get tutored by XXX, then I will increase my chances of getting here, there and everywhere. Agree with preying on insecurities too, well marketed.
Mirakon, it is exploitation in the sense of what...
Username is irrelevant. Wank or not, trolling or not, post is a post. Stick to the post. I wrote this to get a message to tutors and advice for students.
Completely agree. Had to write this or otherwise young students would start thinking the prices are a norm. This was more directed towards the tutors. Exploiting could be the word. Agree or disagree, it is there.
I need to post this thread up as after searching through various classifieds and students who only, let me repeat, ONLY graduated in recent yers and still only in their 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th Year of university advertising for ridiculous rates. Let me explain.
First of all, people who say they've...