I've had enough of these egotistical teachers at my school.
They screwed up my ranks and never change anything because "it is a hassle for them". They literally said that. !
How do I appeal for dishonest assessment and make a big deal out of it?
Like they are screwing me over I want to...
the last question 16c, I just don't understand what to do even after reading solution :(
here: http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/schoolcertificate/sc_science.html
the whole test is there, and for older papers u can choose to dload section 1 or 2 or all files as 1.
does anyone know where to get answers for section 2 of past papers, i am studying for my sc in 2 days and i believe the best way o study at this point is by completing past papers... anyway everytime i complete past papers i only have the answers to section 1 thats all thats available on the bos...