Lawl what school?
I was going to just write k=n+1 but when n=2, k=2 :( And I was confused and lost and I saw the clock and cry, exams tomorrow, why'm I even on this website
My friend got k = n for Q3, and I got a modified version of k=n, or n+1
What were you going to get, if you continued?
LOL how many people in your school did this comp?
Dammit. I was going to write that, but it seemed too absurd. Did you give an example of 35 locks and the distribution of keys?
Also did you get the other questions x0x0
Yeah I used 7C4, but getting 35 ways of choosing four people who can open the lock at any time didn't make much sense to me at the time. Well, considering I had 5 minutes to do this last question haha
Are you saying you got 35 locks as your answer?