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  1. M

    Optometry offers

    This is quite a late reply lol. Deakin's optometry course required an ATAR of 95.15 for 2015 applicants. The ATAR will likely go up as student intake continues to decrease in order to minimise oversaturation of optometry graduates. How do I know? Previous year groups have a cohort around...
  2. M

    Good Tutors Around Liverpool - Cabramatta - Bankstown Area?

    Haha thanks, even though you said you dont know the testing format of bankstown region... can i ask if you know if Sefton High School is just an interview? idk, it seems to good to be true; being a Half Selective, it seems im just applying for normal schooling? O_O (surely they must have a...
  3. M

    Good Tutors Around Liverpool - Cabramatta - Bankstown Area?

    I've signed up for Peak Science, starting this Thursday :)... Your description is making me nervous -.-, would you think that the content studied there is a few months ahead of School? I don't even know 4/5 of the Period Table!!! I saw my friend bring in his Peak Science H/W, the stuff on the...
  4. M

    Good Tutors Around Liverpool - Cabramatta - Bankstown Area?

    Wow! Thanks for your time and generosity, i like how dedicated you are into helping others to be successful; its truly something, and I appreciate it. Also, do you know any other reputable selective schools? I will also add your Email, note that i won't have much to ask, since im still settling...
  5. M

    Hey, did you get my reply on the PM? Sorry i'm new to this lol My replies didnt come up after i...

    Hey, did you get my reply on the PM? Sorry i'm new to this lol My replies didnt come up after i pressed submit
  6. M

    Tutor Review - PAL Education (Tomatec Coaching)

    Oh Btw.. I do have to add, that: Many of the Students i would say are confused in the work they are given... The "Life Skills Tests" or Topic Tests are not done well. For my Yearly Maths Report, I was ranked 3/10 Students.. And My mark was 30% The Highest was 75% So its Bad. Depending on how...
  7. M

    Tutor Review - PAL Education (Tomatec Coaching)

    I went to the Cabramatta Branch of Pal Education in Year 7 & 8. From my Experience, This Tutor is all about incorporating Technology into the Classrooms - They use Tablets to project OneNotes onto the whiteboard. They encourage Students to learn by breaking the Class into Two Study Groups -...
  8. M

    Good Tutors Around Liverpool - Cabramatta - Bankstown Area?

    What do you recommend for preparation of Selective Tests btw? :) I really want to make it into a selective school in 2013.. before its too late.. I've tried in Year 6 (Biggest Fail ever) - I never took it seriously Year 8 - I thought i had it, but wasn't successful. In my Perspective, i...
  9. M

    Good Tutors Around Liverpool - Cabramatta - Bankstown Area?

    Hey RivalryofTroll, Sorry for the lateness of my reply.. Yeah sure, expect a PM when you see this reply. lollll, im trying out for Hurlstone or Mac Fields, and i know what you're talking about :haha: He brang in a list last year... omg 2012 :S... Happy New Year! And he goes on about how...
  10. M

    Good Tutors Around Liverpool - Cabramatta - Bankstown Area?

    U Hey RivalryofTroll! Thanks for your reply, yeah Ricky is truly something! I currently have Vi for english at Tipps.. Though i want to get Larry/bruce or Kris, I heard their really good and detailed in explaining. Im in 10A atm :) something im proud of LOL.. Used to be in 7C with judy...
  11. M

    Good Tutors Around Liverpool - Cabramatta - Bankstown Area?

    Hey jnney, thx for your reply... Yeah im considering for PEAK, 3 ppl in my science school go there with good results in tests! :)
  12. M

    Good Tutors Around Liverpool - Cabramatta - Bankstown Area?

    Hello there! :smile: I will be in Year 10 as of 2012... I am currently enrolled in Tipps @ Yagoona, Maths there is excellent - my Tutor Ricky is enthusiastic and always helping... Though, english is okay, but not great and i wished it would be better.. Sadly there are no Science Classes, and...
  13. M

    Good idea to switch schools after year 10?

    TAKE THE CHANCE AND GO!! The Benefits ARE GOOD... Your HSC Results will Scale Up because of your Schools' Overall Performance in the HSC aswell as overall School Assessment Marks.