I have heard so much about this gen-ed, can someone who's done it please share what it's like? Better yet, does anyone have the course outline with the assessments, I found it but no assessment details. What assessments are involved?
Thank you so much!
I am planning to do "Essentials of Chemistry 1A - CHEM1011" http://www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/undergraduate/courses/2011/CHEM1011.html, but I didn't do chemistry in Year 11 or 12 (Don't really like chem), is it highly recommended that I do a bridging course?
I am overseas right now so I can't...
Thought Experiment 1- Holding a mirror
Imagine you were travelling in a train at the speed of light and you held up a mirror, would you be able to see your own reflection.
1. If the aether model was correct
• Light could go no faster that the train (aether wind would slow down light)...
hi kiinto, do u think this is alright?
Gravitational potential energy is the potential energy of a mass due to its position within a gravitational field, to be released as kinetic energy. Since work done is the change in kinetic energy, work is done to move an object in a gravitational field...
Not sure if this helps, but here's my note for pendulum
1A. Experiment- Determine value for acceleration due to gravity and reasons for variations from 9.8
1. Construct a pendulum at least one metre long, attached at its top to a support (clamp connected to a retort stand)
2. Tie a...
thanks guys!
Gravitational potential energy is the energy required of an object to move in a gravitational field from a point of zero potential. Since work done is the change in kinetic energy, work is done to move an object in a gravitational field. Therefore, GPE is related to work done...