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  1. G

    Super Junior World Tour - Super Show 4 - May 5 2012

    oh that's a shame. heard kpop society were giving out refunds
  2. G

    enrolment appointment for sem 2. sem 2 class times

    science/arts. 5 day timetable hurr durrr
  3. G

    Further Inequations involving the pronumeral on the denominator

    whatever method should be okay. besides, its important that you learn and practice all of them anyway.
  4. G

    Mid-Semester break plans

    procrastinate. until mid-sems, that is.
  5. G

    BSOC Cruise

    *pat pat*
  6. G

    BSOC Cruise

    if that person is going to get laid
  7. G

    BSOC Cruise

    tell me if you know
  8. G

    Advanced English right now is the biggest load of shit.

    wish i didn't keep making an excuse to hate the subject. ended up getting 78 for english adv. fml :/
  9. G

    Shakuntala Devi - Calculating Prodigy

    seems like an amazing person to me, almost like a computer. omg, the talent.
  10. G

    First year student: Buying textbooks now or later...

    basically all of the sites given to you. never buy from uni textbook store
  11. G

    Should I drop Mathematics?

    imo, just see how you go in the half yearly
  12. G

    After the HSC?

    the days of maple story. i remember getting up to level 50 and quitting because it got too hard
  13. G

    myafanatic's raw marks

    wow thats so beastly. wish I got those marks
  14. G

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    comedy show
  15. G

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    it not good but not bad maybe watch different show
  16. G

    Girl's generation on David Letterman show + will they become bigger than the beatles?

    Re: Girl's generation on David Letterman show + will they become bigger than the beat yeah brah, jay chou is actually same level as them. and also how do they know about duh beatles, you meant those tiny little bugs right? im guaranteed they know that too meh, michael jackson is just one...
  17. G

    Girl's generation on David Letterman show + will they become bigger than the beatles?

    Re: Girl's generation on David Letterman show + will they become bigger than the beat how duhhhh farrk do you find out duhhh interrigence of the chinese kpop fans? and SM entertainment is good. they produce better music than a lot of songs nowadays. brah, genuine musicians like jay chou went...
  18. G

    Girl's generation on David Letterman show + will they become bigger than the beatles?

    Re: Girl's generation on David Letterman show + will they become bigger than the beat how da fuq can he do such a thing? but i think mikelseo is a fine person. he should do what he wants to do OP; ignore him