Excellent choice of a major work! Make sure you initially read broadly and extensively on Jack the Ripper, and then narrow your focus onto a specific area of debate within the personality. It becomes easier when you have read widely, so make sure you do so before singling out your question/area...
Yeah the section 1 source was really interesting and I think i answered the question really well. I found section 2 pretty generic and relatable with my case studies. Overall, very good exam!
Since Representation and Text is a lot more ideologically complex than most of the other modules in english, how many words should an effective succinct introduction be? I usually have around 150-200 words just to clearly identify my ideas and answer the question :3
Do Legal. Good Knowledge of the law is a must in life! Plus, if you are interested in current issues and like to analyse and evaluate, it's a great subject. It's also not the most difficult subject as the syllabus is fairly straight forward