Does anyone else use the app called Lightbox? Its likd of like a photo sharing thing but for photography or sentimentality not just random photos... I really enjoy it and use it alot. I was wondering if anyone else did? Or is interested?
Re: Does anyone here play chess?
Lol i love chess so much. I bought a Collectors Edition Super Mario chess set lol but cant open it till my birthday :)
hahahaha nice, imma confirmed slut now, yay :D haha i prefer the nymphomaniac part really, but thanks for a term that id only been called a billion times before.
I used to have a dog named Mini. but she died :(
I have a cat named Jessie, a giant burrowing cockroach named Ellie, and a tarantula named Fuzzy :)
I used to have another two tarantulas named Fang and Freaky but they did cause males only live for a short time.
So what? There shouldnt be a double standard. If people think someones a slut cause she sleeps with 50 guys, there pretty shallow. If she has dignity and standards then it shouldnt matter if she sleeps with 150 in 1 week.