thank you, at least how is the unit like!!
It's so weird that not even one person mention about this unit on facebook:detective:
I will attend enrollment on 21 Feb (too late, I know) and decide to choose this unit, purchase your book. thanksss!!!!!!!
I'm first year student and by checking facebook, I didn't see talk or offering STAT171 textbook at all so it should be very tough subject, right??
Anyone leave any comments about this subject & tutor or exam difficulty
I will start uni next month & moving around for text book. Just curious are there any differences btw for ex 2nd edition and the 8th one 'cause there is a huge amount $ can be saved but as well chances that I take the text book to uni + teacher talking about sth totally diff...
Hi, Just wanna ask about edition of text books
Are there chances that they make changes w latest edition cause i wanna purchase in lowest price like 2nd edition not the 8th one but just worried latest would contain totally diff syllabus:hammer::hammer: