1 of the ethnic kids sony erricson went off with an old techno ringtone (strong pov), and the exam supivisor went and tried to take the phone off him. the kid said he felt racially vilified and smashed his fists on the desk.
and then it gets worse
two of the blokes mates jump up and try to...
wave: selling rune scimi 30k
brb thinking thinking that im going to give up my veterans cape and >lv 120 combat just because I want to re live 2007 rs.
fully hectic s15 sss bro get it on some 20's and get a phat cannon brah i wanna hear that sr20.
notsrs looks clean, have any pics other than the back of it?
im struggling to see the point you are trying to make here.
1. Strong assumption and knowledge of steriods. Instead of blaming the drugs why not look at his endurance and fortitude that got him there.
2. LOL! you actually think if a competitor got 'ratted out' they would just accept it and...
I suppose if you are naive enough to think he is the only person doping you might think he's a disgrace, however someone who has come from having cancer to landing on the moon and then onto winning 7 tour de Frances is incredible.
Fun fact
"20 of the 21 podium finishers in the Tour de France...
i havent even read this thread but can you tell what the difference between being shot with an AP round and a regular round makes?
why bother even banning them it seems futile brah except for taking their constitutional rights away from them.
in on nasho thread.
this was filmed in the nasho (some of it from the waterfall entry)
if you go at an obscure time you wont see any cops and dont be a fuckwit and go over center line if you can avoid it.
drift responsibly.