I'm the same as you. I rang UOW yesterday though and they informed me that they don't actually release selective entry offers in the early rounds, but instead in the main round for some reason, unlike other universities. So as long as the degree is your first preference for the main round...
Anc History: 94
Adv English: 94
Ext English: 46
IPT: 92
SOR1: 46
Mod History: 89 (fuuuuuuuck haha, so close it's annoying)
ATAR estimate: 96.25
Congratulations everyone, by the looks of it you all absolutely owned it.
Really enjoyed it. Yet again the question was typically wordy for the essay (texts and ways of thinking) but once you pulled it apart it was very doable. I was fretting about it but I'm so happy with how it turned out.
So glad it's over!
That's what I did - I said that there was little opposition to Hitler gaining power in the first place, and that the opposition was mainly towards the Weimar government as it had created economic crises (hyperinflation etc.) and had fundamental flaws such as Article 48 - then how Hitler's...
I said that because there were feelings of excitement and all that at the beginning of war, people were eager to sign up for their country - I didn't really know how to judge it from a propaganda point of view though.
So Modern History has been my weakest subject over the two years, however I really want to try and improve my mark in the HSC so I can attain a higher ATAR and all of that.
My internal mark for Modern was 84 and I am ranked 11/25 in the year. If I go really well in the actual HSC exam can I...
How much do you think you would be penalised for saying something wrong just briefly?
For example in Sparta I had a bit of an exam stuff up and said in one sentence that Spartiates were able to sell land, which is not correct - however I didn't elaborate any further on the point (it was...
Yeah, I have practice responses done for all of them so that's fine, but I will probably focus more on the ones that haven't been done lately.
Archaeologists could be a question that comes up again as well seeing as it hasn't been asked since 2008.
Perhaps private housing, art/architecture or a particular public building for the longer question... they don't usually come up that often.
I'm thinking for the second section it could be on Italian/International contributions or new research/technologies.
Probably a stupid question, but is this cut off just for the external band 6? And then will this aligned mark be divided by our internal mapped mark to attain our end HSC mark?
I'm just going to memorise the key ideas/quotes in it, just in case there is an overall theme asked in the question and it is relevant to her speech, however it won't be a main focus of my study.
Definitely thinking that too. I'm not a big fan of Pearson's speech but Bandler's I can deal with.
Praying they ask a nice broad question on how various speeches transcend contextual boundaries or something along those lines!