Advanced English - 94
Extension English - 90+
Modern - 95
Ancient - 95
Extension History - 95
Economics - 93
General Maths - 94
I want my ranks to remain where they are now, being ranked top five for every subject. Hopefully this will be the case!
But I am studying hard and will continue to do...
Always done chronologically, so it is organised and the teachers usually progress in a logical manner. I date all my work, so in that case, the more recent stuff is at the back. It just makes it easier when it comes to making notes and revision!
I have one binder per subject and have already divided it up into the topics for the HSC. In them I have loose paper then plastic sleeves, for handouts.
At the end of the week, I'll take them all home and make notes.
It worked for me during prelim year, so hopefully it does for the HSC!