These resources coming are from the guy claiming to have seen 2012 CSSA Trials being sold to students during the first week holidays before the trials as well as claiming that it's possible to view the 2012 HSC papers early because "people these day with computers/no life can do practically...
Most people would just say to go over the syllabus dot points but that'd take weeks. One thing I thought of was just doing past papers and for any question I don't understand I'll look up and study it. Continue paper until it happens again. Repeat with other papers
That question was just awful.
A lot of people were thrown off by section 2 questions and I can relate to that. The wording was a little weird but I think I did okay on that.
My class were way behind on St Paul so I barely wrote 1.5 pages on him for section 3 with our replacement question
I used to be a student at Matrix Education for tutoring and they have a load of past papers and sample answers from different schools. One of the students from James Ruse ratted them out and the principle called up the CEO of Matrix Education and threatened him to take them down. Don't remember...
Since I normally spend 5 minutes to write a single sentence when I write it up at home, I tend to read my essay almost a hundred times over as I write it so I can remember a bit of it that way but that's just me
You can easily memorise what each paragraph is about by summarising the...
I agree with you entirely and this is off-topic but I remember going to ANSTO (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation). We were supposedly going to be searched by the federal police for knifes, weapons, drugs, phones (no cameras allowed inside) etc. but the guy just got on our...
Lately I've been having around 5 hours of sleep before my trials but that's because I'm used to it. Just make sure that you stick to your current sleeping cycle and don't change it. If you normally sleep at 11:00 PM then sleep at 11:00 PM on the night before the exam.
During the break between...
Why/How would a past student have the 2012 CSSA Trial papers? I'm just asking but are you sure you understand the point of this thread? 2012 CSSA Paper = Exams we are doing RIGHT NOW and not papers from a year ago or whatever. They're papers that we are going to do in the next week and a half as...
Oh, please. Why on earth would they be distributing the 2012 CSSA trial exams? Not only does that defeat the purpose of setting an exam to test students but also the 2012 CSSA trial papers were only seen by teachers on the first week of Term 3 so they couldn't have been able to get the papers...
Get a good night sleep and make sure that you're not hungry during the exam but other than that just make sure that you know your content so that you're confident in the exam room and hopefully won't stress out.
That's just stupid. I do know that Matrix has a lot of past papers and answers from some schools for students that are enrolled in the course (I was a student there) but having the 2012 CSSA papers is ridiculous.
I was on the Holiday Course for chemistry as well and I can confirm that they do...
Akihabara is pretty much the anime capitol of the world. It's definitely a good place to stop by if you're into anime/manga etc but it's likely that you'll impulse buy a lot of stuff and have to mail some of it back home because you can't fit it all with your luggage.
Radiation? It's not like...
You're a 'boring cunt' if you don't have stories that don't suck anyways. Don't necessarily need to get 'shit faced' to have awesome stories. Just means that your sober self is boring.
Oh yeh, Japan is awesome. Don't you dare speak of Japan like that again