Wow, was it really that generic? I wonder why I struggled with it then haha. I did talk about identity but I'm just not happy with how I went today. Well, life goes on and on a positive note, there's 60% left so I should probably stop thinking about it! :)
I liked section 2, fit perfectly with my creative! :D For section 3, I don't think I even answered the question but I tried my best! Perhaps I should be worrying more about paper 2!
EAS is for long-term disadvantage so I don't think you should pursue it unless you can prove that it has affected your educational performance for at least 6 months.
I don't think so. Our school does that as well and from memory, all schools have to do it to show the standards of their students' work. So if the BOS wants to see what a 20/20 response would look like at a certain school, they can do that. Sorry if this wasn't very helpful! :)
I think you should. For the HSC, you could get a marker who knows that text very well after teaching it for years and what if they don't agree with your analysis? You'll probably get marked down.
I'm going to disagree and say that you shouldn't do the UK for your case study. It's better to choose a developing economy because from what I've heard, sometimes there is a question in the HSC about growth and development. It's much more obvious with developing economies.
Lol that thread is hilarious but it's inappropriate for him to consider it in my opinion. Yeah, Omed/Streetboy is going to get state ranks and apparently is ranking 1st in English at Ruse haha.
I've been good! It's a bit stressful because of assessments but that's okay. How have you been? :)